Sunday, February 8, 2015

The second coming

In first Thessalonians paul is talking to a group of believers who just gave their life to Christ. He reminds the people to stay faithful to God and to stay away from sinful temptations because Christ is coming soon. Paul's reasoning for writing the two letters were he wanted to congratulate them for staying faithful to God, he needed to correct himself for things he said before and fellow church members who may have said the same, and he wrote to give instruction about the second coming. Paul also corrects himself in the beginng of chapter 5 by saying those who died will be raised from the dead when Christ comes back. This is reassuring to the community because they thought that their loved ones couldn't be with Christ. Also, in second Thessalonians Paul reminded them that their persecutors will be punished when He comes back - 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10, and that Christ would not be coming back soon. Paul goes on to talk about how Christ will " come down from Heaven, with a loud command with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. " I think what churches today can get from this is God is not coming soon, and we will never know when He is coming. Like how it talks about in Mathew in Luke about how it will be very sudden and unexpecting. Also, Christains need to realize that there's a place even better than Heaven. People think that heaven is the ultimate destination, when it's not. And whenever God does come back, the earth and heaven will be joined together and we'll live with God forever in harmony.

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